Daevid Allen
1938. – 2015.

Ožujak – 2015.

Daevid Allen je obolio od raka na vratu. Nakon tretmana i operacija, rak se ipak vratio, te je metastazirao. To su potvrdile i naknadne  pretrage. Odlučio je ne boriti se medicinom, ni s novim operacijama, već „kako bude tekao prirodni tok stvari“. Drugim riječima, Daevid je odlučio otići mirno i dostojanstveno, budući da su mu doktori dali maksimalno šest mjeseci života.

Daevid se obratio javnosti priopčenjem s molbom da se distribuira među ljubiteljima muzike:

OK so I have had my PET-CAT scans (which is essentially a full body viewing gallery for cancer specialists) and so it is now confirmed that the invading cancer has returned to successfully establish dominant residency in my neck. The original surgery took much of it out, but the cancer has now recreated itself with renewed vigor while also spreading to my lung.
The cancer is now so well established that I have now been given approximately six months to live.
So My view has Changed:
I am not interested in endless surgical operations and in fact it has come as a relief to know that the end is in sight.
I am a great believer in “The Will of the Way Things Are” and I also believe that the time has come to stop resisting and denying and to surrender to the way it is.
I can only hope that during this journey, I have somehow contributed to the happiness in the lives of a few other fellow humans.
I believe I have done my best to heal, dear friends and that you have been enormously helpful in supporting me through this time
So Thank you SO much for being there with me, for the Ocean of Love and Now, importantly, Thank you for starting the process of letting go of me, of mourning then transforming and celebrating this death coming up – this is how you can contribute, this would be a great gift from those emotionally and spiritually involved with me.
I love you and will be with you always – Daevid

Nažalost, prognoza o šest mjeseci života je bila preoptimistična. Daevid Allen je nedugo nakon ove objave izgubio svoju zadnju bitku!

O Allenu detaljnije jednom drugom, skorom prilikom, za ovu noticu iz povjesti samo par suhoparnih činjenica.

Daevid Allen je rođen u Australiji, 1938. godine. 1961. godine se seli u Englesku i tu u biti počinje njegova muzička karijera. Jedan je od utemeljitelja Canterbury scene i tom prilikom sudjeluje u osnivanju jedne od najvećih njenih perjanica, Soft Machine.

Na sceni se probija tek osnivanjem grupe Gong, čiji lider ostaje do zadnjeg trenutka svog života. Bez ulaženja u detalje, Gong je planetarno postao poznat po svojoj trilogiji, “Flying Teapots”, “Angel’s Egg” i “You”.

Iako je raspustio Gong 1975. godine, ponovo ga je oformio nakon skoro 20 godina, 1991. godine. S tom inkarnacijom snima i održava koncerte sve do 2014. godine, kad ga je bolest počela toliko nagrizati, da jednostavno više nije mogao nastaviti.

Što više reči, R.I.P. man!

Ja nisam vlasnik autorskih prava fotografija, videa ni muzike. Stoga, sva prava idu samo stvarnim vlasnicima. Ako ste pak vlasnik fotografije, videa ili muzike, kontaktirajte me mailom, koji se nalazi na stranici “Kontakt”, i video sa svim sadržajima će biti uklonjen sa portala.

I am not the owner of either the image, video or the original songs. Therefore, all rights go to their respective owners. If you are the owner of the image, video or any of the songs, write to me a private message, located on “Kontakt” page, and I’ll delete this video immediately.

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